
CLASSIC is an open-source project. ECCC encourages community involvement for development and use of the model.

Model Support

There are several ways to get support for a question/issue/bug. The most efficient means of finding a solution is to follow these steps in order:

  1. Check the model documentation
  • The model documentation is updated regularly and contains information about common ‘gotchas’.
  1. If you believe you have discovered a bug or model performance issue:
  • Search for the bug/question/issue on the CLASSIC issue tracker.
  • If the bug/issue is not already listed, please post it.
  1. If you have a question, please add your question as an issue on the CLASSIC issue tracker and select the ‘Question’ label.

Events for the CLASSIC community

  • Check the News for upcoming releases, training, and teleconferences. We have a monthly video call to discuss recent model developments. Please email to get added to the distribution list.

Coding Conventions