Canadian Land Surface Scheme including Biogeochemical Cycles
classicParams.f90 File Reference

Contains CLASSIC globally accessible parameters. More...


module  classicparams
 This module holds CLASSIC globally accessible parameters.
real, parameter classicparams::zero = 1.0e-20
 Defintion of zero.
real, parameter classicparams::abszero = 1e-12
 Defintion of zero, this one is for main.f90 and allocate.f.
real, parameter classicparams::earthrad = 6371.22
 Radius of Earth, km.
real, parameter classicparams::km2tom2 = 1.0e+06
 Conversion factor from \(km^2\) to \(m^2\).
real, parameter classicparams::gasc = 8.314
 Gas constant ( \(J mol^{-1} K^{-1}\))
real, parameter classicparams::convertkgc = 1.201e-8
 Converts from \( \mu molCO2/m2/s\) to \(kgC/m2/s\).
real, parameter classicparams::tfrez = 273.16
 Freezing point of water (K) (GCM name: CELZRO)
real, parameter classicparams::rgas = 287.04
 Gas constant ( \(J kg^{-1} K^{-1}\)) (GCM name: GAS)
real, parameter classicparams::rgasv = 461.50
 Gas constant for water vapour ( \(J kg^{-1} K^{-1}\)) (GCM name: GASV)
real, parameter classicparams::grav = 9.80616
 Acceleration due to gravity ( \(m s^{-1}\)) (GCM name: G)
real, parameter classicparams::sbc = 5.66796E-8
 Stefan-Boltzmann constant ( \(W m^{-2} K^{-4} \)) (GCM name: SIGMA)
real, parameter classicparams::sphair = 1.00464E3
 Specific heat of air ( \(J kg^{-1} K^{-1}\)) (GCM name: CPRES)
real, parameter classicparams::pi = 3.1415926535898
 pi (-) (GCM name: CPI)
real, parameter classicparams::std_press = 101325.0
 Standard atmospheric pressure (Pa)
real, parameter classicparams::lambda14c = 8267.
 radioactive decay rate for 14C, corresponds to a half life of 5730 years. ( \(yr^{-1}\))
integer, dimension(12) classicparams::monthdays
 days in each month
integer, dimension(13) classicparams::monthend
 calender day at end of each month
integer, dimension(12) classicparams::mmday
 mid-month day
integer, parameter classicparams::nmon = 12
 Number of months in a year.
real, parameter classicparams::delta = 0.608
real, parameter classicparams::as = 12.0
real, parameter classicparams::asx = 4.7
real, parameter classicparams::angmax = 0.85
real, parameter classicparams::ci = 40.0
real, parameter classicparams::bs = 1.0
real, parameter classicparams::beta = 1.0
real, parameter classicparams::factn = 1.2
real, parameter classicparams::hmin = 40.0
real, parameter classicparams::a = 21.656
real, parameter classicparams::b = 5418.0
real, parameter classicparams::eps1 = 0.622
real, parameter classicparams::eps2 = 0.378
real, parameter classicparams::t1s = 273.16
real, parameter classicparams::t2s = 233.16
real, parameter classicparams::rw1 = 53.67957
real, parameter classicparams::rw2 = - 6743.769
real, parameter classicparams::rw3 = - 4.8451
real, parameter classicparams::ri1 = 23.33086
real, parameter classicparams::ri2 = - 6111.72784
real, parameter classicparams::ri3 = 0.15215
real, parameter classicparams::x1 = 0.0
real, parameter classicparams::x2 = 0.0
real, parameter classicparams::x3 = 0.0
real, parameter classicparams::x4 = 0.0
real, parameter classicparams::x5 = 0.0
real, parameter classicparams::x6 = 0.0
real, parameter classicparams::x7 = 0.0
real, parameter classicparams::x8 = 0.0
real, parameter classicparams::x9 = 0.0
real, parameter classicparams::x10 = 0.0
real, parameter classicparams::x11 = 0.0
real, parameter classicparams::x12 = 0.0
real, parameter classicparams::x13 = 0.0
real, parameter classicparams::x14 = 0.0
real, parameter classicparams::x15 = 0.0
real, parameter classicparams::x16 = 0.0
real, parameter classicparams::k1 = 0
real, parameter classicparams::k2 = 0
real, parameter classicparams::k3 = 0
real, parameter classicparams::k4 = 0
real, parameter classicparams::k5 = 0
real, parameter classicparams::k6 = 0
real, parameter classicparams::k7 = 0
real, parameter classicparams::k8 = 0
real, parameter classicparams::k9 = 0
real, parameter classicparams::k10 = 0
real, parameter classicparams::k11 = 0
real, parameter classicparams::deltat = 1.0
 CTEM's time step in days.
real, parameter classicparams::seed = 0.001
 seed pft fraction, same as in competition in mosaic mode, all tiles are given this as a minimum
real, parameter classicparams::minbare = 1.0e-5
 minimum bare fraction when running competition on to prevent numerical problems.
real, parameter classicparams::c2dom = 450.0
 gc / kg dry organic matter conversion factor from carbon to dry organic matter value is from Li et al. 2012 biogeosci
real, parameter classicparams::wtch4 = 16.044
 Molar mass of CH4 ( \(g mol^{-1}\))
integer, parameter classicparams::nbs = 4
 Number of modelled shortwave radiation wavelength bands COMBAK Can be read in from the init file when I have the new snow albedo scheme fully implemented. Leave here for now.
integer, parameter classicparams::soilcolrinds = 20
 Number of soil colour index classes used (Affects ALWV, ALDV, ALWN, ALDN)
real, parameter classicparams::tolrance = 0.0001
 our tolerance for balancing c budget in kg c/m2 in one day (differs when competition on or not)
real, parameter classicparams::tolrnce1 = 0.5
 kg c, tolerance of total c balance (FOR LUC)
logical classicparams::consallo = .false.
 Logical switch for using constant allocation factors (default value is false)
integer classicparams::nlat
 Number of cells we are running, read in from the initialization file. Offline this always 1.
integer classicparams::nmos
 Number of mosaic tiles, read in from the initialization file.
integer classicparams::ilg
 nlat x nmos
integer classicparams::ignd
 Number of soil layers, read in from the initialization file.
integer classicparams::ican
 Number of CLASS (physics) pfts, read in from the job options file.
integer classicparams::icc
 Number of CTEM (biogeochemical) pfts, read in from the job options file.
integer classicparams::l2max
 Maximum number of level 2 CTEM PFTs. This is the maximum number of CTEM PFTs associated with a single CLASS PFT. Read in from the job options file.
integer classicparams::icp1
 ican + 1
integer classicparams::iccp1
 icc + 1
integer classicparams::iccp2
 icc + 2
integer classicparams::kk
 product of class pfts and l2max
integer classicparams::numcrops
 number of crop pfts
integer classicparams::numtreepfts
 number of tree pfts
integer classicparams::numgrass
 number of grass pfts
integer classicparams::numshrubs
 number of shrubs pfts
integer, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::nol2pfts
 Number of level 2 PFTs calculated in readInParams.
logical, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::crop
 simple crop matrix, define number and position of the crops (NOTE: dimension icc)
logical, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::grass
 simple grass matric, define the number and position of grass (NOTE: dimension icc)
integer, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::cl4ctem
 Indexing of the CTEM-level PFTs into a CLASS PFT-level array.
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable classicparams::reindexpfts
 Reindexing arrays of CLASS variables into the parameters arrays at the CTEM level.
integer, parameter classicparams::nsmu = 10
integer, parameter classicparams::nsalb = 11
integer, parameter classicparams::nbc = 20
integer, parameter classicparams::nreff = 10
integer, parameter classicparams::nswe = 11
integer, parameter classicparams::nbnd_lut = 4
real, dimension(nbc, nswe, nreff, nsmu, nsalb, nbnd_lut) classicparams::albdif_lut
real, dimension(nbc, nswe, nreff, nsmu, nsalb, nbnd_lut) classicparams::albdir_lut
real, dimension(nbc, nswe, nreff, nsmu, nsalb, nbnd_lut) classicparams::trandif_lut
real, dimension(nbc, nswe, nreff, nsmu, nsalb, nbnd_lut) classicparams::trandir_lut
character(5), dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::classpfts
 CLASS (physics) PFTs.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::modelpft
 Separation of pfts into level 1 (for class) and level 2 (for ctem) pfts.
character(8), dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::ctempfts
 List of CTEM-level PFTs.
real classicparams::vkc
 Von Karman Constant (-)
real classicparams::ct
 Drag Coefficient for water (-)
real classicparams::vmin
 Minimum wind speed ( \(m s^{-1}\))
real classicparams::tcw
 Thermal conductivity of water ( \(W m^{-1} K^{-1} \))
real classicparams::tcice
 Thermal conductivity of ice ( \(W m^{-1} K^{-1} \))
real classicparams::tcsand
 Thermal conductivity of sand particles ( \(W m^{-1} K^{-1} \))
real classicparams::tcclay
 Thermal conductivity of fine mineral particles ( \(W m^{-1} K^{-1} \))
real classicparams::tcom
 Thermal conductivity of organic matter ( \(W m^{-1} K^{-1} \))
real classicparams::tcdrys
 Thermal conductivity of dry mineral soil ( \(W m^{-1} K^{-1} \)) FLAG QUESTION ever used?
real classicparams::rhosol
 Particle density of soil mineral matter ( \(kg m^{-3}\))
real classicparams::rhoom
 Particle density of soil organic matter ( \(kg m^{-3}\))
real classicparams::hcpw
 Volumetric heat capacity of water ( \(J m^{-3} K^{-1}\))
real classicparams::hcpice
 Volumetric heat capacity of ice ( \(J m^{-3} K^{-1}\))
real classicparams::hcpsol
 Volumetric heat capacity of mineral matter ( \(J m^{-3} K^{-1}\)) FLAG QUESTION ever used?
real classicparams::hcpom
 Volumetric heat capacity of organic matter ( \(J m^{-3} K^{-1}\))
real classicparams::hcpsnd
 Volumetric heat capacity of sand particles ( \(J m^{-3} K^{-1}\))
real classicparams::hcpcly
 Volumetric heat capacity of fine mineral particles ( \(J m^{-3} K^{-1}\))
real classicparams::sphw
 Specific heat of water ( \(J kg^{-1} K^{-1}\))
real classicparams::sphice
 Specific heat of ice ( \(J kg^{-1} K^{-1}\))
real classicparams::sphveg
 Specific heat of vegetation matter ( \(J kg^{-1} K^{-1}\))
real classicparams::rhow
 Density of water ( \(kg m^{-3}\))
real classicparams::rhoice
 Density of ice ( \(kg m^{-3}\))
real classicparams::tcglac
 Thermal conductivity of ice sheets ( \(W m^{-1} K^{-1}\))
real classicparams::clhmlt
 Latent heat of freezing of water ( \(J kg^{-1}\))
real classicparams::clhvap
 Latent heat of vaporization of water ( \(J kg^{-1}\))
real classicparams::zolng
 Natural log of roughness length of soil (-)
real classicparams::zolns
 Natural log of roughness length of snow (-)
real classicparams::zolni
 Natural log of roughness length of ice (-)
real classicparams::zoratg
 Ratio of soil roughness length for momentum to roughness length for heat (-)
real classicparams::alvsi
 Visible albedo of ice (-)
real classicparams::aliri
 Near-infrared albedo of ice (-)
real classicparams::alvso
 Visible albedo of organic matter (-)
real classicparams::aliro
 Near-infrared albedo of organic matter (-)
real classicparams::albrck
 Albedo of rock (-)
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable classicparams::growyr
 The crop growth descriptor array (see calcLandSurfParams.f90 for description)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::zorat
 the ratio of the roughness length for momentum to the roughness length for heat
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::canext
 an attenuation coefficient used in calculating the sky view factor for vegetation canopies (variable c in the documentation for subroutine canopyAlbedoTransmiss)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::xleaf
 a leaf dimension factor used in calculating the leaf boundary resistance (variable Cl in the documentation for subroutine calcLandSurfParams.f90)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::thporg
 Organic soils (peat) pore volume \([m^3 m^{-3} ] ( \theta_p)\).
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::throrg
 Peat liquid water retention capacity for organic soil \([m^3 m^{-3} ] (\theta_{ret} )\).
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::thmorg
 Peat residual soil liquid water content remaining after freezing or evaporation \([m^3 m^{-3} ] (\theta_{min} )\).
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::borg
 Clapp and Hornberger 'b' value for peat soils [ ].
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::psisorg
 Peat soil moisture suction at saturation [m] \((\Psi_{sat} )\).
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::grksorg
 Peat hydraulic conductivity of soil at saturation \([m s^{-1} ] (K_{sat} )\).
real classicparams::delt
real classicparams::alvswc
 Average background visible albedo of snow covered canopy (-)
real classicparams::alirwc
 Average background NIR albedo of snow covered canopy (-)
real classicparams::cxtlrg
 Effective overall exctinction coefficient given if visible transmissivity is very small.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::alwv
 Lookup tables for wet visible soil albedos based on soil colour index.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::alwn
 Lookup tables for wet NIR soil albedos based on soil colour index.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::aldv
 Lookup tables for dry visible soil albedos based on soil colour index.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::aldn
 Lookup tables for dry NIR soil albedos based on soil colour index.
real classicparams::wsncap
 Maximum water retention capacity of the snow pack (weight percentage)
real classicparams::reff0_land
real classicparams::zsnmin
real classicparams::zsnmax2
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::kn
 Canopy light/nitrogen extinction coefficient.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::omega_compete
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::epsilonl_compete
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::epsilons_compete
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::epsilonr_compete
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::bsrtstem_compete
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::bsrtroot_compete
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::mxmortge_compete
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::maxage_compete
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::drlsrtmx_compete
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::omega
 omega, parameter used in allocation formulae (values differ if using prescribed vs. competition run)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::epsilonl
 Epsilon leaf, parameter used in allocation formulae (values differ if using prescribed vs. competition run)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::epsilons
 Epsilon stem, parameter used in allocation formulae (values differ if using prescribed vs. competition run)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::epsilonr
 Epsilon root, parameter used in allocation formulae (values differ if using prescribed vs. competition run)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::rtsrmin
 Minimum root:shoot ratio mostly for support and stability.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::aldrlfon
 Allocation to leaves during leaf onset.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::caleaf
 Constant allocation fractions to leaves if not using dynamic allocation. (NOT thoroughly tested, and using dynamic allocation is preferable)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::castem
 Constant allocation fractions to stem if not using dynamic allocation. (NOT thoroughly tested, and using dynamic allocation is preferable)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::caroot
 Constant allocation fractions to roots if not using dynamic allocation. (NOT thoroughly tested, and using dynamic allocation is preferable)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::abar
 parameter determining average root profile
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::avertmas
 average root biomass (kg c/m2) for ctem's 8 pfts used for estimating rooting profile
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::alpha
 parameter determining how the roots grow
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::prcnslai
 storage/imaginary lai is this percentage of maximum leaf area index that a given root+stem biomass can support
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::minslai
 minimum storage lai. this is what the model uses as lai when growing vegetation for scratch. consider these as model seeds.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::mxrtdpth
 maximum rooting depth. this is used so that the rooting depths simulated by ctem's variable rooting depth parameterzation are constrained to realistic values
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::albvis
 visible albedos of the ctem pfts
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::albnir
 near IR albedos of the 9 ctem pfts
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::tcoldmin
 minimum coldest month temperature
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::tcoldmax
 maximum coldest month temperature
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::twarmmax
 maximum warmest month temperature
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::gdd5lmt
 minimum gdd above 5 c required to exist
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::aridlmt
 aridity index limit for broadleaf drought/dry deciduous trees
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::dryseasonlmt
 minimum length of dry season for PFT to exist
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::bio2sap
 multiplying factor for converting biomass density to sapling density smaller numbers give faster colonization rates.
real classicparams::bioclimrt
 mortality rate (1/year) for pfts that no longer exist within their pre-defined bioclimatic range
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::grescoef
 Growth respiration coefficient.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::humicfac
 Humification factor - used for transferring carbon from litter into soil c pool.
real classicparams::humicfac_bg
real classicparams::humification
real classicparams::factor
real classicparams::used
real classicparams::for
real classicparams::transferring
real classicparams::carbon
real classicparams::from
real classicparams::litter
real classicparams::into
real classicparams::soil
real classicparams::c
real classicparams::pool
real classicparams::this
real classicparams::is
real classicparams::the
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::laimin
 Minimum lai below which a pft doesn't expand.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::laimax
 Maximum lai above which a pft always expands and lambdamax fraction of npp is used for expansion.
real classicparams::lambdamax
 Max. fraction of npp that is allocated for reproduction/colonization.
real classicparams::repro_fraction
 Fraction of NPP that is used to create reproductive tissues.
real, dimension(2) classicparams::bmasthrs_fire
 min. and max. vegetation biomass thresholds to initiate fire, \(kg c/m^2\)
real classicparams::extnmois_veg
 extinction moisture content for estimating vegetation fire likeliness due to soil moisture
real classicparams::extnmois_duff
 extinction moisture content for estimating duff layer fire likeliness due to soil moisture
real classicparams::lwrlthrs
 lower cloud-to-ground lightning threshold for fire likelihood flashes/km^2.year
real classicparams::hgrlthrs
 higher cloud-to-ground lightning threshold for fire likelihood flashes/km^2.year
real classicparams::parmlght
 parameter m (mean) and b of logistic distribution used for
**Parmlght was increased to 0.8 to make it so areas with higher amounts of lightning have higher lterm. The saturation is still the same, but the increase is more gradual at low lightning density. JM
real classicparams::parblght
 estimating fire likelihood due to lightning
real classicparams::reparea
 typical area representing ctem's fire parameterization (km2)
real classicparams::popdthrshld
 threshold of population density (people/km2) [Kloster et al., biogeosci. 2010]
real classicparams::f0
 Fire spread rate in the absence of wind.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::maxsprd
 max. fire spread rate, km/hr
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::frco2glf
 fraction of green leaf biomass converted to gases due to combustion
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::frco2blf
 fraction of brown leaf biomass converted to gases due to combustion
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::frltrglf
 fraction of green leaf biomass becoming litter after combustion
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::frltrblf
 fraction of brown leaf biomass becoming litter after combustion
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::frco2stm
 fraction of stem biomass converted to gases due to combustion
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::frltrstm
 fraction of stem biomass becoming litter after combustion
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::frco2rt
 fraction of root biomass converted to gases due to combustion
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::frltrrt
 fraction of root biomass becoming litter after combustion
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::frltrbrn
 fraction of litter burned during fire and emitted as gases
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::standreplace
 pft prevalence for stand replacing fire events (based on resistance to fire damage, ie. cambial kill)(unitless)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::emif_co2
 pft-specific emission factors for CO2, g species / (kg DOM)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::emif_co
 pft-specific emission factors for CO, g species / (kg DOM)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::emif_ch4
 pft-specific emission factors for CH4, g species / (kg DOM)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::emif_nmhc
 pft-specific emission factors for non-methane hydrocarbons, g species / (kg DOM)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::emif_h2
 pft-specific emission factors for H2, g species / (kg DOM)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::emif_nox
 pft-specific emission factors for NOx, g species / (kg DOM)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::emif_n2o
 pft-specific emission factors for N2O, g species / (kg DOM)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::emif_pm25
 pft-specific emission factors for particles <2.5 micrometers in diameter, g species / (kg DOM)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::emif_tpm
 pft-specific emission factors for total particulate matter, g species / (kg DOM)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::emif_tc
 pft-specific emission factors for total carbon, g species / (kg DOM)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::emif_oc
 pft-specific emission factors for organic carbon, g species / (kg DOM)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::emif_bc
 pft-specific emission factors for black carbon, g species / (kg DOM)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::bsratelt
 litter respiration rates at 15 c in in kg c/kg c.year
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::bsratesc
 soil carbon respiration rates at 15 c in kg c/kg c.year
real, dimension(4) classicparams::tanhq10
 Constants used in tanh formulation of respiration Q10 determination.
real classicparams::alpha_hetres
 parameter for finding litter temperature as a weighted average of top soil layer temperature and root temperature
real classicparams::bsratelt_g
 bare ground litter respiration rate at 15 c in kg c/kg c.year
real classicparams::bsratesc_g
 bare ground soil c respiration rates at 15 c in kg c/kg c.year
real classicparams::a_hetr
 parameter describing exponential soil carbon profile. used for estimating temperature of the carbon pool
real classicparams::r_depthredu
 Following Lawrence et al. Environ. Res. Lett., 2015. we adopt 10.0 as our value, controls decomposition at depth to account for observed reductions that are independent of temp and moisture.
real classicparams::tcrit
 temperature below which respiration is inhibited. [ C ]
real classicparams::frozered
 factor to reduce respiration by for temps below tcrit
real, dimension(3) classicparams::combust
 how much deforested/chopped off biomass is combusted (these absolutely must add to 1.0 !)
real, dimension(3) classicparams::paper
 how much deforested/chopped off biomass goes into short term storage such as paper
real, dimension(3) classicparams::furniture
 how much deforested/chopped off biomass goes into long term storage such as furniture
real, dimension(2) classicparams::bmasthrs
 biomass thresholds for determining if deforested area is a forest, a shrubland, or a bush kg c/m2
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::bsrtstem
 Base respiration rates for stem in kg c/kg c.year at 15 degrees celcius (values differ if using prescribed vs. competition run)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::bsrtroot
 Base respiration rates for root in kg c/kg c.year at 15 degrees celcius (values differ if using prescribed vs. competition run)
real classicparams::minlvfr
 Minimum live wood fraction.
real classicparams::rmlmoss25
 Base dark respiration rate of moss umol CO2/m2/s.
real classicparams::tau25m
 tau coefficient (rate at 25 Celcius) iscomputed on the basis of the specificity factor (102.33) times Kco2/Kh2o (28.38) to convert for value in solution to that based in air.
real classicparams::ektau
 \(J mol^{-1}\) ! FLAG this is???
real classicparams::kc25
 kinetic coef for CO2 at 25 C (Pa)
real classicparams::ko25
 kinetic coef for O2 at 25C (rate) (Pa)
real classicparams::ec
 Activation energy for Kc of CO2 ( \(J mol^{-1}\)) at 25C.
real classicparams::ej
 Activation energy for electron transport, ( \(J mol^{-1}\))
real classicparams::eo
 Activation energy for Ko ( \(J mol^{-1}\)) at 25C.
real classicparams::evc
 Activation energy for carboxylation ( \(J mol^{-1}\)) at 25C.
real classicparams::sj
 Constant affecting J at low temperature ( \(J mol^{-1}\)) at 25C.
real classicparams::hj
 Constant affecting J at high temperature ( \(J mol^{-1}\)) at 25C.
real classicparams::alpha_moss
 Efficiency of conversion of incident photons into electrons(mol electron/mol photon),.
real classicparams::dctmin
 minimum temperature of soil respiration, K (peatland soils)
real classicparams::dcbaset
 base temperature for Q10, K (peatland soils)
real classicparams::bsrateltms
 heterotrophic respiration base rate for peatlands (yr-1)
real classicparams::zolnmoss
 natual logarithm of roughness length of moss surface.
real classicparams::thpmoss
 pore volume of moss ( \(m^3/m^3\))
real classicparams::thrmoss
 Liquid water retention capacity of moss ( \(m^3/m^3\))
real classicparams::thmmoss
 residual liquid water content after freezing or evaporation of moss ( \(m^3/m^3\))
real classicparams::bmoss
 Clapp and Hornberger empirical "b" parameter of moss.
real classicparams::psismoss
 Soil moisure suction at saturation of moss (m)
real classicparams::grksmoss
 Saturated hydrualic conductivity of moss (m)
real classicparams::hcpmoss
 Volumetric heat capacity of moss ( \(J m^{-3} K^{-1}\))
real classicparams::grescoefmoss
 Moss growth respiration coefficient.
real classicparams::rmortmoss
 Moss mortality rate constant (year-1)
real classicparams::humicfacmoss
 Humification ratio of moss litter.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::dayschk
 Number of days over which to check if net photosynthetic rate is positive before initiating leaf onset.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::drgta
 Parameter determining how fast soil dryness causes leaves to fall.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::eta
 eta and kappa, parameters for estimating min. stem+root biomass
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::kappa
 required to support green leaf biomass. kappa is 1.6 for trees and crops, and 1.2 for grasses.
real, dimension(2) classicparams::flhrspan
 Harvest span (time in days over which crops are harvested, 15 days), and fall span (time in days over which bdl cold dcd plants shed their leaves, 30 days)
real classicparams::fracbofg
 Parameter used to estimate lai of brown leaves. We assume that SLA of brown leaves is this fraction of SLA of green leaves.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::harvthrs
 LAI threshold for harvesting crops. values are zero for all pftsother than c3 and c4 crops.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::specsla
 CTEM can use user-specified specific leaf areas (SLA) if the following specified values are greater than zero.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::thrprcnt
 Percentage of max. LAI that can be supported which is used as a threshold for determining leaf phenology status.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::lwrthrsh
 Lower temperature threshold for ctem's 9 pfts. these are used to estimate cold stress related leaf loss rate (degree c)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::cdlsrtmx
 Max. loss rate for cold stress for all 9 pfts, (1/day)
real classicparams::kmort1
 kmort1, parameter used in growth efficiency mortality formulation
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::mxmortge
 Maximum mortality when growth efficiency is zero (1/year) (values differ if using prescribed vs. competition run)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::maxage
 Maximum plant age. used to calculate intrinsic mortality rate. maximum age for crops is set to zero since they will be harvested anyway. grasses are treated the same way since the turnover time for grass leaves is 1 year and for roots is 2 years. (values differ if using prescribed vs. competition run)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::lfespany
 Leaf life span (in years) for CTEM's pfts.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::drlsrtmx
 Max. loss rate for drought stress for all 9 pfts, (1/day) (values differ if using prescribed vs. competition run)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::colda
 Parameter determining how fast cold temperatures causes leaves to fall.
integer, dimension(2) classicparams::coldlmt
 No. of days for which some temperature has to remain below a given threshold for initiating a process, days.
real, dimension(2) classicparams::coldthrs
real classicparams::roothrsh
 Root temperature threshold for initiating leaf onset for cold broadleaf deciduous pft, degrees celcius.
real classicparams::cryodiffus
 Diffusivity (or simply the rate of the cryoturbation) \((m^2/d)\) value from [51] - 5 cm2/yr.
real classicparams::biodiffus
 Diffusivity (or simply the rate of the bioturbation) \((m^2/d)\) value from [51] - 1 cm2/yr.
real classicparams::kterm
 Constant used in determination of depth at which cryoturbation ceases.
real classicparams::eftime
 e-folding time scale for updating mean active layer depth used in determining the depth roots can penetrate. (years)
real classicparams::efoldfact
 Calculated factor used in determining the e-folding time of average active layer depth. this is calculated based on the eftime parameter.
real classicparams::d_air
 Diffusivity of CH4 in air ( \(cm^2 s^-1\)) @ STP.
real classicparams::g_0
 Scaling factor takes CH4_soills to mg CH4 \(m^-2 s^-1\) (units: \(mg CH_4 ppmv^{-1} s s^{-1} m^{-2} cm{-1}\))
real classicparams::betach4
 Constant derived in Curry (2007) from comparison against measurements (-)
real classicparams::k_o
 Base oxidation rate derived in Curry (2007) from comparison against measurements \((s^{-1})\).
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::stemlife
 Stemlife, turnover time scale for stem for different pfts.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::rootlife
 Rootlife, turnover time scale for root for different pfts.
real classicparams::stmhrspn
 Stem harvest span. same as crop harvest span. period in days over which crops are harvested.
real classicparams::ratioch4
 methane to carbon dioxide flux scaling factor.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::wtdryres
 ratio of wetland to upland respiration
Use the heterotrophic respiration outputs for soil and litter as the ecosystem basis. These were summed as "hetrores". This respiration is for upland soils; we multiply by wtdryres as the ratio of wetland to upland respiration based on literature measurements: Dalva et al. 1997 found 0.5 factor; Segers 1998 found a 0.4 factor. use 0.45 here (unitless)
real classicparams::lat_thrshld1
 Northern zone for wetland determination (degrees North)
real classicparams::lat_thrshld2
 Boundary with southern zone for wetland determination (degrees North)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::soilw_thrshn
 Soil wetness threshold in the North zone.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::soilw_thrshe
 Soil wetness threshold in the Equatorial zone.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::soilw_thrshs
 Soil wetness threshold in the South zone.
logical, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::isc4
 Array telling which vegetation type is c4.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::tlow
 lower temperature limits for photosynthesis, (kelvin)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::tup
 upper temperature limits for photosynthesis, (kelvin)
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::alpha_phtsyn
 quantum efficiencies, values of 0.08 & 0.04 are used for c3 and c4 plants, respectively
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::omega_phtsyn
 leaf scattering coefficients, values of 0.15 & 0.17 are used for c3 and c4 plants, respectively
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::mm
 parameter m used in photosynthesis-stomatal conductance coupling.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::bb
 parameter b used in photosynthesis-stomatal conductance coupling.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::vpd0
 parameter vpd0 used in leuning type photosynthesis - stomatal conductance coupling, (Pa)
integer, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::sn
 exponent for soil moisture stress. for sn equal to 1, photosynthesis decreases linearly with soil moisture, and of course non-linearly for values higher than 1. when sn is about 10, photosynthesis does not start decreasing until soil moisture is about half way between wilting point and field capacity.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::smscale
 additional constrain of soil moisture stress on photosynthesis. this can be used to simulate the effect of irrigation for crops.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::vmax
 max. photosynthetic rate, ( \((mol CO_2 m^{-2} s^{-1}\)) values are mainly derived from [47] which doesn't include c4. also see [3]
integer classicparams::reqiter
 no. of iterations for calculating intercellular co2 concentration
real classicparams::co2imax
 max. intercellular co2 concentration (Pa)
real classicparams::beta1
real classicparams::beta2
 photosynthesis coupling or curvature coefficients
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::inico2i
 parameter to initialize intercellular co2 conc.
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::rmlcoeff
 leaf maintenance respiration coefficients
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::chi
 additional parameters for two-leaf model leaf angle distribution
real classicparams::gamma_w
 photosynthesis down regulation parameters equivalent co2 fertilization effect that we want model to yield
real classicparams::gamma_m
 equivalent co2 fertilization effect that model actually gives without any photosynthesis down-regulation
character(350) classicparams::runparamsfile
logical classicparams::pftcompetitionswitch
real classicparams::zbldjobopt
real classicparams::zrfhjobopt
real classicparams::zrfmjobopt
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::rsmn
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::qa50
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::vpda
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::vpdb
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::psga
real, dimension(:), allocatable classicparams::psgb
subroutine, public classicparams::prepareglobalparams
 Initialize and/or read in all global model parameters. More...
subroutine, public classicparams::readinpftnums
 Read in the number of PFTs from the parameters namelist file. More...
subroutine, public classicparams::allocateparamsclassic
 Allocate the arrays for CTEM params that require it.
subroutine, public classicparams::readinparams
 Read in the CLASSIC parameters from a namelist file. Populate a few parameters based on what was read in.
integer function, dimension(ican, 2), private classicparams::findpftindexes ()
 Provides indexes to relate the CLASS PFTs to the CTEM ones in the parameter arrays.

Detailed Description

Contains CLASSIC globally accessible parameters.

J. Melton