Canadian Land Surface Scheme including Biogeochemical Cycles
Principle driver for CTEM. More...
Modules | |
module | ctemdriver |
Central module that contains the ctem driver and associated subroutines. | |
Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine, public | ctemdriver::calcnpp (il1, il2, ilg, ancgveg, lfstatus, rmlcgveg, slai, ailcg, sort, rmsveg, rmrveg, ipeatland, anmoss, fcancmx, rmlmoss, gppmoss, useTracer, gleafmas, tracerGLeafMass, tracerValue, rmsTracer, rmrTracer, pheanveg, rmlveg, rml, rms, rmr, rm, rg, npp, gpp, autores, autoresveg, rgveg, nppmoss, armoss, gppveg, nppmosstep, nppveg, tracerNPP, tracerRML, tracerGPP) |
Calculate NPP (net primary productivity), difference between GPP and autotrophic respriation, for each pft and tile. Also sets the net photosynthesis to be used by phenology and determines the total autotrophic respiration fluxes at the PFT and tile-levels. Calculates values for both upland and peatland sites. More... | |
subroutine, public | ctemdriver::calcnep (il1, il2, ilg, nppveg, hetrsveg, fg, npp, hetrores, nep, nepveg) |
Calculate NEP (net ecosystem productivity), difference between NPP and heterotrophic respriation, for each pft and tile. More... | |
subroutine, public | ctemdriver::calcnbp (il1, il2, ilg, deltat, nepveg, fcancmx, lucemcom, ltresveg, scresveg, nep, glcaemls, blcaemls, stcaemls, rtcaemls, ltrcemls, nbpveg, dstcemls1, dstcemls3, nbp) |
Calculate NBP (net biome production) for each pft by taking into account C emission losses. The disturbance routine produces emissions due to fire and while the land use change subroutine calculates emissions due to LUC. The LUC related combustion flux is assumed to be spread uniformly over the tile as it is no longer associated with any one PFT. To calculate the NBP we do not subtract LUC emissions from the PFT-level NBP but we do subtract it from the per tile NBP. More... | |
subroutine, public | ctemdriver::ctem (fsnow, sand, ilmos, ilg, il1, il2, iday, radj, ta, delzw, ancgveg, rmlcgveg, zbotw, doMethane, uwind, vwind, lightng, tbar, soildpth, spinfast, todfrac, netrad, precip, psisat, grclarea, popdin, isand, wetfrac, slopefrac, bi, thpor, currlat, ch4conc, THFC, THLW, thliq, thice, ipeatland, anmoss, rmlmoss, gppmoss, wtable, maxAnnualActLyr, PFTCompetition, dofire, lnduseon, inibioclim, leapnow, useTracer, tracerCO2, pfcancmx, nfcancmx, stemmass, rootmass, litrmass, gleafmas, bleafmas, soilcmas, ailcg, ailc, zolnc, rmatctem, rmatc, ailcb, flhrloss, pandays, lfstatus, grwtheff, lystmmas, lyrotmas, tymaxlai, vgbiomas, gavgltms, gavgscms, stmhrlos, slai, bmasveg, cmasvegc, colddays, rothrlos, fcanmx, alvisc, alnirc, gavglai, Cmossmas, litrmsmoss, peatdep, fcancmx, geremort, intrmort, pstemmass, pgleafmass, tcurm, srpcuryr, dftcuryr, lambda, tmonth, anpcpcur, anpecur, gdd5cur, surmncur, defmncur, srplscur, defctcur, aridity, srplsmon, defctmon, anndefct, annsrpls, annpcp, dry_season_length, pftexist, twarmm, tcoldm, gdd5, nppveg, tracerStemMass, tracerRootMass, tracerGLeafMass, tracerBLeafMass, tracerSoilCMass, tracerLitrMass, tracerMossCMass, tracerMossLitrMass, npp, nep, hetrores, autores, soilresp, rm, rg, nbp, litres, socres, gpp, dstcemls1, litrfall, humiftrs, veghght, rootdpth, rml, rms, rmr, tltrleaf, tltrstem, tltrroot, leaflitr, roottemp, burnfrac, lucemcom, lucltrin, lucsocin, dstcemls3, ch4WetSpec, ch4WetDyn, wetfdyn, ch4soills, paicgat, slaicgat, emit_co2, emit_ch4, reprocost, blfltrdt, glfltrdt, glcaemls, blcaemls, rtcaemls, stcaemls, ltrcemls, ntchlveg, ntchsveg, ntchrveg, emit_co, emit_nmhc, smfunc_veg, emit_h2, emit_nox, emit_n2o, emit_pm25, emit_tpm, emit_tc, emit_oc, emit_bc, bterm_veg, lterm, mterm_veg, burnvegf, litrfallveg, humtrsvg, ltstatus, afrleaf, afrstem, afrroot, wtstatus, rmlveg, rmsveg, rmrveg, rgveg, vgbiomas_veg, gppveg, nepveg, nbpveg, hetrsveg, autoresveg, ltresveg, scresveg, nppmoss, armoss, colrate, mortrate) |
Principle driver for CTEM.