Canadian Land Surface Scheme including Biogeochemical Cycles
Files | |
file | allocateCarbon.f90 |
Performs allocation of carbon gained by photosynthesis into plant structural pools. | |
file | applyAllometry.f90 |
Applies allometric relationships to converts biomass to structural attributes. | |
file | atmosphericVarsCalc.f90 |
Evaluates atmospheric variables and rainfall/snowfall rates over modelled area. | |
file | autotrophicRespiration.f90 |
Autotrophic respiration. Leaf respiration is calculated in phtsyn subroutine, while stem and root maintenance respiration are calculated here. | |
file | balanceCarbon.f90 |
Checks carbon pools for conservation. | |
file | calcLandSurfParams.f90 |
Calculates various land surface parameters. | |
file | canopyAlbedoTransmiss.f90 |
Calculates vegetation albedos, transmissivities and stomatal resistances. | |
file | canopyInterception.f90 |
Calculates canopy interception of rainfall and snowfall, and determines rainfall/snowfall rates at ground surface as a result of throughfall and unloading. | |
file | canopyPhaseChange.f90 |
Checks for freezing or thawing of liquid or frozen water on the vegetation canopy, and adjust canopy temperature and intercepted water stores accordingly. | |
file | canopyWaterUpdate.f90 |
Updates liquid and frozen water stores on canopy and in soil in response to calculated sublimation, evaporation and transpiration rates. | |
file | checkWaterBudget.f90 |
Checks for closure of surface water budget, and for unphysical values of certain variables. | |
file | classGatherScatter.f90 |
Transfers information between the 'gathered' and 'scattered' form of the CLASS data arrays. | |
file | classGrowthIndex.f90 |
Evaluates growth index used in calculating vegetation parameters for forests. | |
file | CLASSIC.F90 |
Principle driver program to run CLASSIC in stand-alone mode using specified boundary conditions and atmospheric forcing. Depending upon the compiler options chosen, this program will either run in MPI mode for use on parallel computing environments or in serial mode for use in running at single sites. | |
file | classicParams.f90 |
Contains CLASSIC globally accessible parameters. | |
file | classStateVars.f90 |
Contains the physics variable type structures. | |
file | competitionMod.f90 |
Performs competition between PFTs for space. | |
file | ctemDriver.f90 |
Principle driver for CTEM. | |
file | ctemGatherScatter.f90 |
Transfers information between the 'gathered' and 'scattered' form of the CTEM data arrays. | |
file | ctemStateVars.f90 |
Contains the biogeochemistry-related variable type structures. | |
file | ctemUtilities.f90 |
Central module for CTEM (biogeochemical)-related utilities. | |
file | DIASURFZ.f90 |
Calculate the diagnostic values of U, V, T, Q near the surface (ZU and ZT) | |
file | disturb.f90 |
Calculates disturbance as both natural and human-influenced fires. | |
file | DRCOEF.f90 |
Calculates drag coefficients and related variables This work has been described in [1]. | |
file | energBalNoVegSolve.f90 |
Solves surface energy balance for non-vegetated subareas. | |
file | energBalVegSolve.f90 |
Solves surface energy balance for vegetated subareas. | |
file | energyBudgetDriver.f90 |
Calls subroutines to perform surface energy budget calculations. | |
file | energyBudgetPrep.f90 |
Initializes subarea variables and calculate various parameters for surface energy budget calculations. | |
file | energyWaterBalanceCheck.f90 |
Checks for energy and water balance closure over modelled area. | |
file | errorHandler.f90 |
Prints the name of the subroutine and an error code when an error condition is encountered. | |
file | fileIOModule.F90 |
The File IO Module contains wrappers for accessing netCDF files. It uses precompile directives to determine if a compilation should be serial, using netCDF or parallel, using MPI/PnetCDF. | |
file | FLXSURFZ.f90 |
Calculates surface layer transfer coefficients and fluxes FLXSURFZ is a variant of FLXSURF3 that permits to input wind and temperature (humidity) at different levels. | |
file | fourBandAlbedo.f90 |
Driver for four band albedo scheme. | |
file | generalUtils.f90 |
Central module for all general utilities. | |
file | groundAlbedo.f90 |
Calculates visible and near-IR ground albedos. | |
file | heterotrophicRespirationMod.f90 |
Central module for all heterotrophic respiration-related operations. | |
file | iceSheetBalance.f90 |
>Performs temperature stepping and surface runoff calculations over ice sheets. | |
file | landuseChangeMod.f90 |
Central module for all land use change operations. | |
file | main.f90 |
Main model driver for CLASSIC in stand-alone mode using specified boundary conditions and atmospheric forcing. | |
file | methaneProcesses.f90 |
Methane subroutines for wetland areal determination and methane emission and upland (oxic) soils methane uptake. | |
file | metModule.f90 |
Performs disaggregation of input meteorological forcing arrays to the model physics timestep. | |
file | modelStateDrivers.f90 |
Central driver to read in, and write out all model state variables (replacing INI and CTM files) as well as the model inputs such as MET, population density, land use change, CO2 etc. | |
file | mortality.f90 |
Calculates the litter generated from leaves, stem, and root components after vegetation dies due to reduced growth efficiency or due to aging (the intrinsic mortality). Also updates the vegetation pools for changes due to the mortality calculations. | |
file | mvidx.f90 |
Utility to determine location of closest value in an array. | |
file | outputManager.f90 |
Central module for all netCDF output file operations. | |
file | peatlandsMod.f90 |
Peatland specific parameterizations (photosynthesis and heterotrophic respiration) | |
file | phenolgy.f90 |
Calculates the leaf status for CTEM's pfts and leaf litter generated by normal turnover of leaves and cold and drought stress; crop harvest; and for grasses green leaves are converted into brown. | |
file | photosynCanopyConduct.f90 |
Net Photosynthesis and canopy conductance. | |
file | pondedWaterFreeze.f90 |
Addresses freezing of water ponded on ground surface. | |
file | prepareOutputs.f90 |
Central module that handles all preparation and writing to output files. | |
file | radiationDriver.f90 |
Organizes calculation of radiation-related and other surface parameters. | |
file | readFromJobOptions.f90 |
Parses command line arguments to program and reads in joboptions file. | |
file | screenRelativeHumidity.f90 |
Calculates screen relative humidity based on input screen temperature, screen specific humidity and surface pressure. | |
file | SLDIAG.f90 |
Calculates near surface output variables. | |
file | SNOW_ALBVAL.f90 |
Computes the direct and diffuse snow albedo using lookup table and current snow conditions. | |
file | SNOW_TRANVAL.f90 |
Computes the direct and diffuse snow transmission using lookup table and current snow conditions. | |
file | snowAddNew.f90 |
Adds snow incident on the ground surface to the snow pack. | |
file | snowAging.f90 |
Calculate decrease in snow albedo and increase in density due to aging. | |
file | snowAlbedoTransmiss.f90 |
Diagnoses snowpack visible and near-IR albedos given the all-wave albedo at the current time step. Calculates snowpack transmissivity for shortwave radiation. | |
file | snowHeatCond.f90 |
Calculate coefficients for solution of snow pack heat conduction. | |
file | snowInfiltrateRipen.f90 |
Addresses infiltration of rain and meltwater into snow pack, and snow ripening. | |
file | snowMelt.f90 |
Addresses melting of the snow pack. | |
file | snowSublimation.f90 |
Sublimation calculations for the snow pack on the ground. | |
file | snowTempUpdate.f90 |
Snow temperature calculations and cleanup after surface energy budget calculations. | |
file | soilCProcesses.f90 |
Central module for all soil C processes involving movement of soil C up or down in soil column. | |
file | soilHeatFluxCleanup.f90 |
Soil heat flux calculations and cleanup after surface energy budget calculations. | |
file | soilHeatFluxPrep.f90 |
Calculate coefficients for solution of heat conduction into soil. | |
file | soilProperties.f90 |
Assigns thermal and hydraulic properties to soil layers based on sand/clay content, or soil type. Also calculates permeable thickness of soil layers, and wet and dry surface albedo for mineral soils. | |
file | soilWaterPhaseChg.f90 |
Check for freezing or thawing of liquid or frozen water in the soil layers, and adjust layer temperatures and water stores accordingly. | |
file | tracer.f90 |
Module containing all relevant subroutines for the model tracer. | |
file | turnover.f90 |
Calculates the litter generated from stem and root turnover Also updates the vegetation pools for changes due to the turnover calculations. | |
file | waterBaseflow.f90 |
Recalculates liquid water content of soil layers after infiltration, and evaluates baseflow. | |
file | waterBudgetDriver.f90 |
Calls subroutines to perform surface water budget calculations. | |
file | waterCalcPrep.f90 |
Initializes subarea variables for surface water budget calculations, and performs preliminary calculations for diagnostic variables. | |
file | waterFlowInfiltrate.f90 |
Quantifies movement of liquid water between soil layers under conditions of infiltration. | |
file | waterFlowNonInfiltrate.f90 |
Quantifies movement of liquid water between soil layers under non-infiltrating conditions, in response to gravity and tension forces. | |
file | waterInfiltrateSat.f90 |
Evaluates infiltration of water into soil under saturated conditions. | |
file | waterInfiltrateUnsat.f90 |
Evaluates infiltration of water into soil under unsaturated conditions. | |
file | waterUnderCanopy.f90 |
Assesses water flux elements at the ground surface under the vegetation canopy. | |
file | waterUpdates.f90 |
Calculates overland flow; steps ahead pond and soil layer temperatures, and checks for freezing of the ponded water and freezing or thawing of liquid or frozen water in the soil layers. Adjusts ponded water temperature, soil layer temperatures and water stores accordingly. | |
file | xmlManager.f90 |
The XML Manager Module handles the loading of variable descriptors and variable variants from an XML file. Once the variables are generated, corresponding NetCDF output files are created. | |
file | xmlParser.f90 |
This xml parser is derived, in part, from xml-fortran ( Please see the LICENCE.txt for the licencing information. | |