Canadian Land Surface Scheme including Biogeochemical Cycles
Information about the soil layers is taken in from the initialization netcdf file. model_state_drivers::read_modelsetup reads the netcdf for the number of soil layers (ignd). The DELZ variable in the intialization file is the thickness of each layer. So change the initialization file for the number and thicknesses of the soil layers as required and CLASSIC will simply read them in.
If you start a new run and it immediately fails with an output something like:
Singularity jormelton-containerCLASSIC-master-latest.simg:~/Documents/CLASSIC> bin/CLASSIC configurationFiles/template_job_options_file.txt 254.85/53.98 in process 0 1 1 254.84999999999999 53.979999999999997 1 1 1 1 CANOPY ENERGY BALANCE 1 8092.77620036 8077.49643236 0.000000 1.875648 -2.045030 -0.189964 0.000000 8073.385790 0.000000 1.339229 257.925000 died on 254.84999999999999 53.979999999999997
This is a general indication of a problem in your initialization file. Often it is fixed by setting snow/liquid in the canopy to zero (see Initialization of Physics Prognostic Variables). You may also get snow energy/water balance failing, again look to Initialization of Physics Prognostic Variables for advice with setup.
Sometimes you need to run a 'make mode=???? clean
' (where mode is the one you used to compile the code, for site-level it is typically serial
) to clean out old .mod and .o files that might be causing issues. Do that and then recompile.
Soil colour index is described in Input Soil Data and used in soilProperties.f90. A global file of soil colour index produced by Peter Lawrence (NCAR) can be obtained from
Courtesy of E. Humphreys.
**Note the text files need to have unix line endings if created in Windows (see Gotcha for Windows users), make sure to convert to Unix (LF) from Windows (CR LF).**
Text files created on DOS/Windows machines have different line endings than files created on Unix/Linux. DOS uses carriage return and line feed ("\r\n") as a line ending, which Unix uses just line feed ("\n"). You need to be careful about transferring files between Windows machines and Unix machines to make sure the line endings are translated properly.(from
Any CLASSIC tool that reads in ASCII expects the Linux/Unix line endings.
Site-level runs should use IZREF = 1 with appropriate values of ZRFM and ZRFH for your site (described in Setting up the joboptions file). However it is possible, especially with CTEM (biogeochemistry) on that the vegetation will grow taller than ZRFM/ZRFH causing the model to crash. The model may simulate vegetation at the site taller than reality due to prior land use history at the site, model bias, etc. In this case you will need to raise the ZRFM/ZRFH heights to remain above the canopy.