Canadian Land Surface Scheme including Biogeochemical Cycles
mortality.f90 File Reference

Calculates the litter generated from leaves, stem, and root components after vegetation dies due to reduced growth efficiency or due to aging (the intrinsic mortality). Also updates the vegetation pools for changes due to the mortality calculations. More...


module  mortality
 Calculates the litter generated by leaves, stem and roots due to mortality and updates the C pools.


subroutine, public mortality::updatepoolsmortality (il1, il2, ilg, stemltrm, rootltrm, useTracer, rmatctem, tracerStemMort, tracerRootMort, tracerGLeafMort, stemmass, rootmass, litrmass, glealtrm, gleafmas, bleafmas, tracerLitrMass, tracerStemMass, tracerRootMass, tracerGLeafMass, tracerBLeafMass)
 Update leaf, stem, and root biomass pools to take into loss due to mortality, and put the litter into the litter pool. The mortality for green grasses doesn't generate litter, instead they turn brown. More...
subroutine, public mortality::mortalty (stemmass, rootmass, ailcg, gleafmas, bleafmas, il1, il2, ilg, leapnow, iday, sort, fcancmx, useTracer, tracerStemMass, tracerRootMass, tracerGLeafMass, lystmmas, lyrotmas, tymaxlai, grwtheff, stemltrm, rootltrm, glealtrm, geremort, intrmort, tracerStemMort, tracerRootMort, tracerGLeafMort)
 Calculates mortality due to poor plant fitness and aging. Determines the litter generated from these processes. More...

Detailed Description

Calculates the litter generated from leaves, stem, and root components after vegetation dies due to reduced growth efficiency or due to aging (the intrinsic mortality). Also updates the vegetation pools for changes due to the mortality calculations.