For assistance running or troubleshooting CLASSIC please see Model Support
ECCC CLASSIC Scientific Development Team
- Joe Melton
- Community involvement with CLASSIC
- High latitude processes
- Representation of sub-grid heterogeneity
- Methane
- Fire
- Vivek Arora
- Climate-vegetation interactions
- Biogeochemical cycles in terrestrial ecosystem models
- Climate-carbon interactions in Earth system models.
- Paul Bartlett
- Evaluation and development of CLASSIC
- Modelling snow processes
- Vegetation-snow interaction
- Surface energy, water and carbon budget modelling and measurement
- Christian Seiler
- Terrestrial ecosystem modelling
- Model evaluation
- Climate dynamics
- Libo Wang
- Representation of land cover
- Diagnose model bias in northern environment
- Snow-albedo feedback
- Gesa Meyer (Post-doctoral Researcher)
- Shrub ecosystem processes (high latitudes and semi-arid/arid regions)
- Surface water and energy balance
- Sian Kou-Giesbrecht (Post-doctoral Researcher)
- Biogeochemical cycles
- Nitrogen limitation
- Biological nitrogen fixation
- Sal Curasi (Post-doctoral Researcher)
- COHERENT-C community involvement
- Canadian terrestrial carbon cycling
- High latitude and arctic ecosystems
ECCC CLASSIC Technical Development Team